
Date: Follows on directly from The Silver Ghost, but no later than the start(ish) of August 1911 because of the dating of The Vanishing Lady (where Thomas has clearly been living on his own for at least a couple of weeks).

In the car at 1'04", Sarah sings a couple of lines from I Live In Trafalgar Square, a music-hall number written in 1902 by CS Murphy.

Goof?: The idea that an experienced motor mechanic such as Thomas doesn't recognise the symptoms of a car running out of petrol (2') seems a bit far-fetched. Also, despite being familiar with the vehicle (from his days at 165), he doesn't seem too clued up about where the petrol gauge is.

Sarah background: She adopts yet another alias in this story – Sarah Cowden.

Thomas background: His alias (as Sarah's "brother") is Lord Thomas Hartfield.

At 7'32", Sarah says the luggage was "half-inched". This is rhyming slang for "pinched" (= stolen).

Goof: Sarah suddenly acquires a formal white collar for her blouse – this wasn't seen previously in this episode, or The Silver Ghost where she wore the same costume (7'29").

In this story, there is once again mention of Eaton Place and the Bellamys (and a staid party they once gave for new year). Filly Pomeroy remembers both Thomas and Sarah from their stint there.