
Awards: Gordon Jackson won an Emmy for Outstanding Single Performance by a Supporting Actor for this episode.

Date: It is May 1915 (the Lusitania was sunk on May 7th; Daisy's birthday is on May 11th – see Goodwill to All Men).

Goof: Angela Baddeley: "Taking brandies and solders to old gentlemen..." (sodas) (2'58")

Gertan Klauber (Mr Schoenfeld) later appears in the Thomas & Sarah episode There Is A Happy Land playing Max, Thomas' barber.

Goof: Gertan Klauber: "Four, my dear, for the favour to an old customer." (for a) (4'49")

Goof: It is stated than Daisy's birthday is "next Wednesday" (5'30"). Her birthday (May 11th) fell on a Tuesday in 1915.

Goof: The newspaper article concerning the sinking of three British battleships in the Dardanelles seems to carry a March date (10'09").

Hazel's attitude in this episode is somewhat strange. She tells Hudson re: atrocities: "If we cannot believe ourselves capable of such horrors, how can we believe it of them?" and: "It's lies." Does she think that the family fleeing the Rape of Belgium in A Patriotic Offering was telling lies?

Richard background: He is made Civil Lord of the Admiralty in this episode.

Goof: When Georgina leaves the morning room, she picks up the hat and bag she put down earlier, but forgets about the hatpin (31'56").

Goof: There are too many bloopers regarding clocks in UpDown to mention in general. However, a very obvious one occurs in this story when we hear an outside clock chiming six times followed, seconds later, by a shot of the servants' grandfather clock showing five o'clock. (37'06")

Goof: At the end of the scene in the morning room, just as Hazel pockets the letter, we hear some cheering and crowd noise on the soundtrack for a second or so before we cut to the next scene. This might indicate a scene was shot for this episode showing the Schoenfelds' shop being attacked, but later cut out? (39'46")

Goof: Hudson refers to the Lusitania as an American ship (46'32"). It was British. (Thanks to Kim for spotting this one.)