
Date: The birth of Sarah's baby (seen in flashback) was June 1910, assuming the pregnancy went full term (see A Family Gathering). The birth was 11 months ago (19'03"), so it is now about May-time, 1911 – the weather looks roughly right for this.

As she pushes the pram along, Sarah sings What Are We Going To Do With Uncle Arthur? – this is one of the few links in Thomas & Sarah back to the original UpDown series.

Jessica Benton (Grace Laughton) had previously played Lady Cynthia Cartwright in the Season One Upstairs, Downstairs episode, The Path of Duty. She is probably best known for playing Elizabeth Frazer in the 1800s seafaring drama The Onedin Line (1970-80).

The book Sarah is reading from at 11'28" is Dickens' Oliver Twist (1838), as Bill Sikes kills Nancy.

The scenes involving Thomas driving the car were shot near Chipperfield, to the south of Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire.

Sarah background: At their garage in Kilburn (see the episodes The Wages of Sin and A Family Gathering), Thomas continually refused to marry the heavily pregnant Sarah, so she walked out on him and went to her Auntie Em's to have the baby. The baby – a girl – died after one hour. Adopting a false backstory and name (Sarah Watson), Sarah was taken under the wing of the Reverend Horkesly, who found Sarah a place as a lady's companion in Surrey with the sickly widow Grace Laughton. We don't find out whether "Auntie Em" was a real aunt of Sarah, or just an older friend – in any case, she is now dead.

Thomas background: His mother is still alive (21'06") – this ties up with The New Man.

Goof: Thomas has a poster of the ship the RMS Olympic up on his wall (30'56"). This shows the ship to have three funnels, but the Olympic (a sister ship to the Titanic) had four funnels. Reader Pete Jones observes that the ship pictured is in fact the SS Leviathan.