
Date: It is August 1913 (25'57").

Lady Marjorie background: He her full name is Lady Marjorie Helen Sybil Talbot-Carey. She was born on July 12th 1864 (4'48") (cf. A Family Gathering) so she is 49 years old at the time of this episode.

Goof: Lady Marjorie's birthday is here given as July 12th, but in A Family Gathering we were told it was on May 6th.

Richard background: His full name is Richard Arthur Pemberton Bellamy (4'48"). There is a very strange twist given to Richard's character (39'18") when Kurt bursts in on Richard and Lili as they are canoodling – Richard remarks: "I can remember this sort of occurrence from my extreme youth, only then it was husbands, not brothers." Reader Simon Farquhar remarks: "I think, in fact, this line is a reference to a common confidence trick that was played on men in those days. A man would be befriended by a girl and put in a compromising position, only for her accomplice posing as an outraged husband to burst in and discover them – the man then paying them money to keep the matter quiet. The trick is referred to in the film Wait Until Dark as the favourite trick of the two con-men characters."

Goof?: Hudson asks Hazel whether they need to employ an under-houseparlourmaid to help Rose. Hazel says no as the house is now a quiet one. However, seemingly just because the de Ternays are coming to dinner, she later decides to permanently employ somebody in this post after all. Wouldn't she be more likely to get in a temp of some sort just for the occasion? (6'32")

Goof: As in Guest of Honour, the dumb waiter's position makes little sense if you think about the basement versus the ground floor (16'13").

Goof: Angela Baddeley talks, but without any words coming out of her mouth. I think the vision mixer was supposed to cut to another camera at this point, and Baddeley is just improvising/filling in. (32'08")

The poem Gwyneth quotes from is Never Seek To Tell Thy Love written around 1800 by William Blake (1757-1827) (she slightly misquotes it – 41'48").

Rose background: Her mother and father are both dead (42'41").