
Date: It is May-June 1914 (Suffragettes attacked the British Museum on 23rd May – 1'13").

Goof: If Ruby can read that it is one ounce (of butter/bitter/whatever) that is to be added to the recipe, why does she pour in a "jug of" ale, which is presumably more than one ounce? (2'07")

Hazel background: Strangely, in this story, we are suddenly told (without it ever being mentioned before) that Hazel has been pregnant and has recently lost her baby. She must have pregnant in the last episode too (but there were no visible signs) and, possibly, in other preceding episodes.

Goof: Jean Marsh: "I popped in earlier and her head's still spitting." (splitting) (18'10")

The music being played in the street at 31' is Hold Your Hand Out Naughty Boy (written around 1913 by CW Murphy and David Worton), a song made famous by Florrie Ford, a well-known music-hall singer originally from Australia.

Rooms/goof: Street musicians appear to be audible from the rear of the morning room (which is at the back of the house). Furthermore, James tosses them some coins from the window. Surely, he is just throwing these into the garden? (49'27")

The tune being played by the street musicians is Who Were You With Last Night. James asks Hazel whether she remembers it – it was being played as James proposed to her in A Family Secret.