
The: "And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods," quotation, from which this episode gets its title, is from the poem Horatius, written by Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-59).

Date: At the start of the episode Hudson is reading a newspaper dated April 27th 1918 (1'33"). The raid on Ostend, in which Michael was involved, was on April 23rd.

Edward background: His is now "acting corporal (unpaid)" (1'24").

Goofs: Hudson reads a newspaper dated April 27th 1918. He mentions that Britain has been at war for "3 years 266 days", which is correct. The newspaper itself reads "The War: 4th year 300th day", which makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Virginia background: Her son Michael's middle name is Drury. He is 17 years old.

Goof: The brandies that David Langton pours out are ridiculously small (10'34").

Goof: Jenny Tomasin: "Daisy's gone to li... lay down." (32'44")

Chu Chin Chow was a musical comedy of the time, based on the story of Ali Baba And The 40 Thieves. The music for the show was written by one Frederic Norton...

Goof: Virginia manages to go up to Hazel's bedroom (at least two flights of stairs), tidy herself up, and descend again in just 46 seconds! "That's quick," remarks Richard. (39'00")