
Angela Baddeley had originally been scheduled to appear in this episode but was ill with a cancer scare at the time of recording.

Date: June 1909 (from opening caption).

Lawrence background: His father has been dead for three years. His mother lives in Tunbridge Wells. His uncle is an MP.

Rose background: She has an aunt (but this may just be made up to put Hudson off the scent, but a (the same?) aunt is also mentioned in Married Love and The Wages of Sin) (1'36"). Rose's mother died whilst Rose was still at Southwold. Lady Marjorie was present and consoled her (34'12"). (A House Divided says this was when Rose was at least five years old, as she first met Lady Marjorie at that age.)

Goof?: Elizabeth thanks Henrietta for taking her in, and then Rose brings round a case of Elizabeth's belongings. These both imply that Elizabeth has only just started living at Henrietta's. So where has Elizabeth been for the months between last episode and this one? (2'39")

Sarah background: She now calls herself Sarah Delice for her stage work (9'01").

The words to Sarah's What Are We Going To Do With Uncle Arthur? song are on my Lyrics page (9'04").

The sting the band plays after Sarah comes off the stage is from A Hot Time In The Old Town (music: Theodore Metz) composed in 1896 (10'48" & 23'14").

James background: He is now a captain (12'13").

Goof: Nicola Pagett's hat falls off (16'39").

Goof: Jenifer Armitage closes the door and almost knocks her hat off (21'53").

Richard background: His middle name is Pemberton.

Goof: You can see the screw holes where the light switch next to the servants' hall door was once screwed to the wall (26'04").

The church scenes for the marriage of Elizabeth and Lawrence were recorded at St Mark's Church, Hamilton Terrace, Maida Vale, London.

Lady Prudence background: Her daughter Agatha appears for the only time. She is played by an unknown extra. (41'03")

Goof: "Could you turn your watch so the camera can get a look please, David?" (41'17") Also, the time on his watch differs from the clock on the mantelpiece.

Goof?: The men's carnations seem a darker shade of red on the location work than in the studio (44'). Otherwise, the continuity between all the costumes is very good.

The end of the master tape for this episode (over the LWT caption) includes the sound of the studio breaking into applause (presumably at the relief of having finished the season).

In 1975, the writer, Rosemary Anne Sisson, adapted this episode and the previous one (The Key of the Door) into a stage play, performed at the Loft Theatre in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. It featured Ann Richards as Rose, Mary Jameson as Mrs Bridges, and Jane Meredith as Sarah.