
Date: It is six months since Lady Marjorie died (4'26" & 22'04"), so autumn 1912 (but after September – see A Change of Scene).

Lady Prudence background: Her husband Archie has died (sometime when Marjorie was still alive, but after May 1910 as he was still alive in A Family Gathering) (1'54").

James background: He is now 30 years old (4'18") – this fits in with his age given in Magic Casements (set in 1906) of 24. We learn that he was actually engaged to Phyllis (22'32") but didn't love her, and also thought she "didn't fit in".

The tune being played as James and Hazel sit down to eat (5') is Oh, You Beautiful Doll – which first appeared in 1911 (music: Nat D Ayer / lyrics: Seymour Brown).

One of the tunes being played during the scene in the restaurant where James proposes to Hazel is Who Were You With Last Night (9'), a 1912 song by singer/comedian Mark Sheridan. We hear this tune again – as their relationship is doing rather less well – during the final scene of Distant Thunder.

Ruby background: She seems to be able to read now (or is she just looking at the pictures? 17'45"). She has been at Eaton Place for three years (19'21"), but see below.

Goof?: Mrs Bridges says that Ruby has been at Eaton Place for three years. But she was present in The New Man, set in June or July 1908. So in the autumn of 1912, when A Family Secret is set, shouldn't she have been there 4¼ years? If you ignore the one-year rollback, then the dates work, but either there's a rollback or there isn't. (Thanks to Darrel C Karl for pointing that out.)

Miss Roberts background: It is mentioned she has been "put away" (presumably in an asylum – 19'57").

Goof?: Mrs Bridges uses incorrect grammar: "Things isn't what they was." Hudson attempts to correct this: "Things aren't what they was." Surely that should be: "Things aren't what they were"? (20'23") This is, quite possibly, intended to be a little joke by the writer, but it doesn't fit in with Hudson's character who presumably had a good, if basic education and would not make this sort of mistake.

Goof: At 26'14" as Mrs Bridges says: "If you're sure, sir?" a nasal voice(?) can be heard on the soundtrack saying something which sounds like "ah-pon-da". (Thanks to Morvyn Finch for sending this one in.)

Goof: Angela Baddeley's wig is coming unstuck at 28'33". (Thanks to Morvyn Finch for sending this one in.)

Goof: The scene in the Forrest's living room is almost five minutes long, but the clock on the mantelpiece never changes (29'20").

Hazel background: At the age of 19 whilst training to be a teacher, Hazel met a Patrick O'Connor (or O'Conor). She married him in spring 1902 (hence Hazel is at least 29 years old in this episode) and they moved to Newcastle. O'Connor began drinking and beating Hazel and started seeing other women. Hazel fled back to London and subsequently got a divorce. She reverted to her maiden name of Forrest, but is still legally called O'Connor.

Goof: The second time Leonard Trolley mentions the name O'Connor, he says O'Connell instead (42'47").