
Date: In the new year 1909 (Sarah's baby is due – see A Pair of Exiles).

Edward background: He has a girlfriend (1'17").

Goof: Two football-related goofs in this episode in the same conversation. Firstly (1'21"), Manchester United didn't play Fulham in any league match (they were in different divisions) or cup match in the 1908/9 season. Secondly, Chelsea was in the first division at this time (1'32").

Goof: Hudson says (1'23") that it's less than an hour to go before the kick-off of the football match that Edward is going to see. The morning-room clock seems to say the time is 3.30 (1'57"). All this means the football match would finish in the dark, as floodlights were not used at the time. (Thanks to Tony Murray for spotting this one.)

The menu for the dinner is:

Caviar au blinis
Royal Natives    (oysters)
Consommé de Volaille    (game soup)
Saumon d’Ecosse Sauce Médoc    (Scottish salmon with Médoc sauce)
Pâté de Perdrix    (partridge pâté)
Selle d’Agneau de Lait Persillé    (saddle of lamb)
Pommes Frou Frou    (Frou Frou potatoes)
Petis Pois de Nice à la Menthe    (minted peas)
Sorbet au Champagne    (champagne sorbet)
Cigarettes Russes    (rolled wafer biscuits)
Pintade Rôtie    (roast guinea-fowl)
Salade Coeurs de Laitue    (hearts of lettuce salad)
Asperges, Sauce Hollandaise    (asparagus, hollandaise sauce)
Buissons d’Ecrevisses    (crayfish)

The above menu is taken from Hawkesworth's novelisation of Season Two. The actual TV show also mentions dressed prawns, meringues, and ptarmigan (grouse) pie.

Rooms: The dining room has certainly expanded since Season One!

Goof: When Mrs Bridges puts salt on the lamb, I don't think any salt comes out of the container (10'08") (Thanks to Tony Murray.)

Rooms: Miss Roberts is helping out with the cloaks in the library. This room appears to be on the ground floor, to the right of the front door, presumably next to the dining room.

Goof: It is difficult to see where the servants could be looking down from in order to get a view of King Edward arriving in the hall (20'41").

Goof: It is difficult to reconcile the position of the dumb waiter as seen in the kitchen versus the dining room – they are on opposite sides of the house! (21'33")

Rooms: Hudson's pantry is off to the right of the kitchen (as in On Trial, but compare with A Pair of Exiles) (27'10).

Rooms: Once again, the front stairs are used by a servant in lieu of the backstairs (mentioned in The Mistress and the Maids) (34').

Anthony Woodruff, who plays the Bellamy family doctor, would later turn up briefly in the Thomas & Sarah episode Made In Heaven. Woodruff died in 1993.

Goof?: Rose says to Hudson that she is not allowed to enter the drawing room. Why not? King Edward (who doesn't like female servants waiting on him) has departed, and she is properly dressed for upstairs. (38'46")