
This episode is about as close as Upstairs, Downstairs came to a Christmas special.

Date: It is Christmas 1913.

We meet both Daisy Peel (Jacqueline Tong) and Georgina Worsley (Lesley-Anne Down) for the first time in the episode. Both characters would remain until the final story.

Reader Jack notes: "Miss Georgina Worsley is the step-daughter of Lord Hugo Talbot-Carey, the new Earl of Southwold. Soon, Hugo, his sister Marjorie Bellamy, and Hugo’s wife (the mother of Georgina) die in the sinking of the Titanic. Eighteen years later Georgina marries Lord Robert, the Marquis of Stockbridge (Whither Shall I Wander?). Only upon her marriage does Georgina become 'Lady Georgina'. She also becomes 'The Marchioness of Stockbridge'. One day in the future Robert will inherit his father's title of Duke, and on that day Georgina will become a duchess."

Goof: Daisy's cap is falling off as she goes up the stairs but it has fixed itself by the time she emerges from the door in the hall (3'49").

Goof: "Could you try to make that cardboard side of venison look heavy please, folks?" (6'05")

Goof: In A Family Secret, Mrs Bridges tell James that she, Hudson and Miss Roberts were in service at 165 when James and Elizabeth were little babies. She adds that, "Rose has been here a good few years too." This implies Rose came up from Southwold at a later point in time. In this episode, Rose explains she came up with the others when Lady Marjorie and Richard married. (6'51")

Goof?: Doesn't Rose's claim that Eaton Place used to entertain 40 people to luncheon seem a little OTT? (7'30")

Georgina background: She was 18 years old on November 28th. She is at a convent school in Geneva but finishes there in the summer. Her biological father was killed in a hunting accident when she was six. Her mother (apparently called Marion – see Miss Forrest) then married again to Lady Marjorie's brother, Hugo – both went down in the Titanic.

Daisy background: She was 18 years old on May 11th. She started at 165 the week before this episode takes place, and shares a bedroom with Rose. Her family (seven in total) live in Hoxton in the East End of London, but she hasn't seen them for three years. One of her little brothers (who would now be about eight) is called Tommy. During the episode, Daisy learns that her father died last year. Her mother now lives with a rough character called Bill, by whom she seems to have had at least one child.

Goof: It is teatime, but the clock in the hall (which is working as it is chiming) says 8.45 (14'14").

Lady Marjorie background: She was born at Southwold (this is often assumed, but this is the first time it is stated). Lady Marjorie's aunt Kate (see The Path of Duty – here referred to as her great-aunt) is reported as still alive, though she is stone deaf and partially blind (24'59").

Goof: At 29'48", the girls plan to catch a tram up Oxford Street. However, period photos show no rails in Oxford Street. (Thanks to Keith Edwards, who spotted this.)

Goof: When the girls creep down to the kitchen, the clock near the back door says 3.17 (31'35"). After they emerge from under the table it says 2.21 (33'29").

Goof: When Richard walks over to the morning room window, a modern disposable plastic (or paper) cup can be clearly seen on the right-hand side of the table below the window (38'42"). (Thanks to Sheldon Cooper for sending this one in.)

Goof: At 42'16", someone around the table (probably Angela Baddeley) can be heard singing the line: "Six ducks a-laying," instead of: "Six geese a-laying." (Thanks to Keith Edwards, who spotted this.)

Goof?: It is mentioned that Georgina has lost her hat, but no mention is made of her hand muff which she is also now without (42'41").