
Date: April 1907 (from opening caption), going into at least May.

Rooms: First view of the scullery. It is through a door between the stairs and the range.

The traditional song Emily sings throughout this episode is called The Butcher Boy. See my Lyrics page for the words.

The Bellamys now have a motor car (4'48").

Goof?: At 5'19" Lady Marjorie rings for tea. Hudson appears just five seconds later! He would have had to be down in the servants' hall to hear the bell. Similarly, at 8'32" she rings for Hudson to show Lady Templeton out. This time he appears just six seconds later. (Thanks to Tony Murray for these.)

Goof: Is a storm in April usually considered a "summer storm" as Lady Marjorie says? (13'48")

Emily background: Her real name is Aoibhinn (pronounced Evin – the real name of the actress). We never learn her surname. She can read, but can't write. Her mother is dead, and her father died ("of living") two years ago. She has two brothers – Phelem, who is in America, and Dermot, who was killed in the Boer War.

Goof: As the camera tracks in to Emily and William, it comes to a halt as it hits something (24'05").

Goof: At 35'05", Angela Baddeley fluffs her line: "Proper little household pet it is... it seems." (Thanks to Tony Murray.)

Mrs Bridges relates a tale of a previous servant at 165 who got married and ran off. But she found herself so hard up that she had to sell her own hair and got just 8/6. (36'19")

Goof: During the scene in Emily's room, you can hear Jean Marsh start the next scene before the vision mixer cuts to it (40'04).

Rooms: The drawing room would seem to be at the front of the house (the noise from the bus), but the general idea from previous episodes seems to be that it is above the morning room? (42')

Goof?: Emily dangles about four feet from the floor. It is difficult to see what she jumped from to get in this position in the room. (43'10") (Sent in by Tony Murray.)

Goof: If you watch closely through the window of the bus as it pulls away, you can see one of the pillars outside number (1)63 doesn't have the "1" painted in (45'44").

Exeunt Emily.