
Date: Starts in the week (7'25") following the end of The Hero's Farewell. The episode takes place over many weeks (even though James cuts down Dr Foley's recommended 10 weeks in bed).

Edward background: The medal ribbon Edward has on his uniform is the 1914 Star. He has become a lance corporal and implies this was his rank during the Battle of the Somme (however, he is not wearing the stripe in Another Year).

We meet Frederick Norton – James' batman – for the first time in this episode (though he has not been given the name Frederick at this point – he is simply called Trooper (i.e. Private) Norton in this episode). Norton (played by Gareth Hunt) would join the staff of 165, as footman, for Season Five.

Goof: It is stated that it is 4 p.m., but Rose and Daisy are still in their lilac morning uniforms (6'58").

Goof: Norton mentions the surname "Apthorpe" whilst talking to Richard. Richard seems to say "Abthorpe" instead. (10'52")

Goof: At 15'44", the close-up of the Telegraph shows that there is no issuing office stamp in the box at the top right hand side of the Telegraph. All Telegraphs (later Telegrams) had an issuing office stamp before they were released for delivery. (Thanks to Stephen Styles for sending this goof in.)

Lady Marjorie background: Old Lady Southwold is mentioned (but not seen) in this episode (18'22"), and is still alive.

James background: He has wounded his right thigh/knee, and has a graze above his left eye.

As with If You Were The Only Girl In The World, the sequences outside the chateau where Georgina is nursing were shot at Waddesdon Manor.

Goof: Whilst still inside the hospital James has a relatively small bandage around his head (30'14"). As he is being put into the ambulance, the bandage is much bigger and a pad of cotton wool also appears (31'29"). Georgina's uniform also appears rather dirtier in the outdoor shots.

Goof: Similarly, Georgina's watch is different in the studio scenes versus the OB.

George Robey (1869-1954) was a big music-hall star of the time, known as the "prime minister of mirth".

Richard background: It is his birthday near the end of the time period shown in this episode. We do not get a precise date.

Goof: Thought not entirely impossible by any means (since he may have simply found the weapon), the German officer who was going to shoot James is more likely to have used his standard issue Luger than "a revolver" (47'04"). I think the use of the term "revolver" is thus probably a scripting mistake.