
Awards: This episode earned an Emmy nomination for Alfred Shaughnessy for Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series.

Date: It is April 1912 (Titanic left Southampton on April 10th). Nearly two years have passed since the last episode – this is, by far, the biggest "gap" in the overall UpDown saga.

We meet Hazel (Meg Wynn Owen) for the first time.

Richard background: His second biography is on the (previous) Lord Southwold.

Elizabeth background: She now lives in America with her daughter Lucy and her new husband Dana (whom we never meet).

Lady Marjorie background: Her brother Hugo (the Earl of Southwold) is now married to a Marion. They have a ranch in Calgary, Canada.

James background: He was "honest" with Phyllis (see A Family Gathering) before it was too late (presumably that he didn't love her), and she is now engaged to somebody else out in India (4'00").

Rooms: We see Richard's study for the first time, which has a connecting door with the morning room. This room is not the same as the library mentioned in Guest of Honour, as both rooms have separate indicators on the electric-bell system in the servants' hall (see the close-up in A House Divided at 26'39"). The study is completely irreconcilable with the gaming room shown in The Swedish Tiger.

The song James listens to on his gramophone is Everybody's Doing It Now (from the stage musical Everybody's Doing It) written by Irving Berlin in 1911 (5').

Goof: At 5'45", Richard uses "jazz" to refer to the record James is playing on his gramophone. However, the earliest known use of the word in a musical sense seems to be in a Chicago Daily Tribune of July 1915. Therefore Richard could not have known the word "jazz" at this time. (Thanks to James Cowan for spotting this.)

Goof: That gramophone is certainly not going at 78rpm (9'33").

Goof: Hazel says she has found a photo of James and Elizabeth aged ten and eight, respectively (13'15"). Based on their birthdates as given in The Key of the Door (Elizabeth born winter 1887) and Magic Casements (James born summer 1882), they were never these ages at the same time (they are five-and-a-half years different in age).

Hazel background: She has been a secretary for 10 years; typing for three. Before that she did the accounts for a draper's shop in Surbiton (14'26"). She lives in Wimbledon (6'37"). She has never been further afield than Margate and Newcastle (28'51"). Her middle name is Patricia (15'16"). She started working at 165 in March (see Another Year).

Rooms: Mrs Bridges has a new range in the kitchen, this time powered by gas (18'47").

Goof: Patsy Smart: "I've been to Zion three times." (Syon (Park)) (19'23")

Goof?: Why does Hazel put on her coat to eat lunch? (20'26")

Edward background: He has a grandmother in Putney (there is a hint this may be invented) (30'32").

Goof: Jean Marsh: "Don't forget to take that seed crake to your granny." (cake) (30'48")

The second song that James listens to is Hitchy-Koo from another Irving Berlin musical, Hullo Ragtime (1912) (42').

Titanic met its end on April 15th, 1912. One day later an actor called David Langton was born. (James M. Knuttel pointed that out.)

This is Lady Marjorie's (Rachel Gurney's) last episode. The actress would later regret her decision to leave.