
This was the first episode recorded at LWT's new complex on the South Bank.

Date: Elizabeth and Lawrence are just back from their honeymoon, so presumably June or July 1908. It is fairly warm outside, but doesn't look like high summer. NB at this point the producers rolled back the timeline by one year so that all the various events could fit into one season which would end with the death of Edward VII in 1910.

We see Ruby, the new kitchen maid, played by Jenny Tomasin, for the first time (1'07). She would stay until the last episode of UpDown.

Rooms: The morning room is now slightly different. The laurel-leaf motif above the fireplace has been redesigned (no polygonal border). To the left of the fireplace remains the male portrait from Season One, but the female portrait has been moved to the left-hand side of the morning-room door.

Rooms: There is now a dumb waiter in the kitchen (4'29").

Goof: Rachel Gurney: "Well if you feel it wouldn't to... put too much of a strain on your finances." (9'31")

Goof: Angela Baddeley: "I'm very gad you enjoyed it." (11'27")

The location for the Kirbridges' "Greenwich" house was 2 Mountfort Terrace, Islington, London, in Barnsbury Square (13'25").

We meet Thomas Watkins, played by John Alderton, for the first time (14'11).

Goof: On location, the Kirbridge house has a green front door, but the studio shots have a yellow door (15'24").

Thomas background: His last job was in service in Abergavenny, in south Wales (though there is a hint later in the episode that this may be fictitious) (16'49"). His mother is still alive, but his father is dead (47'20").

Rose background: She was born on the estate at Southwold (38'22").

Goof?: Thomas asks Rose re: Southwold: "Big staff there?" Rose replies: "Bigger even than the servants' hall at Eaton Place." Is this supposed to surprise him/us? (38'46")