
The strange title of the episode can be explained by a charming poem written by George Macdonald (1824-1905) in 1871. The poem is on my Lyrics page.

Date: Elizabeth's baby has just been born, so June 1909 (see Whom God hath Joined...).

Pauline Collins was pregnant in real life during the shooting of this episode and this is beginning to show on the screen.

Elizabeth background: She has had a daughter called Lucy Elizabeth (5'16").

Lawrence background: His middle name is Arthur (5'16").

Goof: The pop of the champagne cork is clearly dubbed on afterwards (5'36").

Goof: Angela Baddeley: "And you were never one short... one yourself, I suppose?" (9'07")

Goof: As Hudson shows Nanny Webster into the morning-room at 12'25", through the window we can see what appears to be another set. There seems to be a yellow wall with a painting of trees hung on it, with a handrail/bannister in front. I'm pretty sure we are seeing through to the landing set that Sarah runs through briefly at 8'52" whilst going upstairs. Somebody seems to have forgotten to hang a sky backdrop between the window and the stair set. Unless there was supposed to be something worth seeing outside a window, these were usually a generic grey/light-blue colour, as you can see in the nursery scene at, for example, 23'45" or 34'17". (This one came from user Chanel Detroit on the UD Facebook group.)

Rooms: The morning-room light switches (near the door) are now down to a single switch (cf. Your Obedient Servant, for example) (13'20").

Goof: Daphne Heard: "You're to have no... nothing to do with her." (17'03")

As with For Love of Love, the church scenes (for Lucy's christening) were done at St Mark's Church, Hamilton Terrace, Maida Vale, London. These scenes were Ian Ogilvy's (Lawrence's) last appearance in the series. Appearing here briefly as Mrs Wills is actress Helen Lindsay, better known for her role as "Kitty" Cochrane-Danby in Season Three. She also appeared in the Thomas & Sarah episode Made In Heaven.

Goof?: In church, Lawrence is carrying his top hat, but Richard seems to have lost his (19'57").

Goof: Downstairs take their meals at strange times – they have just finished eating but the clock says 3.20 (30'13").

Lady Marjorie background: Nanny Webster was also nanny to Lady Marjorie (as well as James and Elizabeth). She also nannied "his young lordship", presumably Marjorie's (younger) brother and heir to her father's title (this is the first mention of Lady M's brother – 34'24").

Goof: Check the clock behind Nanny – it is 12.20 one instant but nearly 12.30 the next (35'23").

Goof: Rachel Gurney knocks against the cup on the table (47'47").