
Date: It is October 1914 (fall of Antwerp was on October 10th).

Rooms: For this season, the two portraits of ancestors(?) hung in the morning room are both replaced by landscapes. The room is otherwise more or less unchanged from the previous season.

Edward background: He is 25 (11'20"). This ties up with the dates given in What the Footman Saw.

Richard background: He moans that he has never seen such a fuss in the house in 30 years. Since he was newly married when he and Marjorie first occupied 165, they were married at least 30 years ago. (24'28")

Rooms: The room to the near right of the kitchen (as we usually look at the set) seems now to be a rather messy scullery (it was once referred to as Hudson's pantry – see On Trial and Guest of Honour). See I Dies from Love for another scullery.

Goof: The camera knocks against something as it moves about in the morning room (31'05").

Goof: The Belgians seem in a hell of a rush to leave 165 – the car waiting for them outside is heard departing up the road a mere seven seconds after the last of their number leaves the servants' hall (49'14"). (I suppose there could have been two cars, but still...) (Thanks to Jonathan Brennand for sending this one in.)