
This episode relates to the events shown in Magic Casements in Season One.

Date: It seems to be late March 1909 (weather, flowers, comments about "a touch of" spring/summer – the next episode (Your Obedient Servant) requires this to be pre-April).

The registration number of the Bellamys' Rolls Royce is LK 7105 (2'09"). Compare with the Thomas & Sarah episode The Silver Ghost.

A small bit of subterfuge is evident around 2'03" as the mews that the car turns into is in fact Eaton Mews North which serves the opposite (south) side of Eaton Place from where (1)65 is situated.

Goof: Desmond Perry: "Michael Dooley, late of the inv... Indian army. Invalided out, I was." (3'03")

The song Sarah is singing is called A Bird In A Gilded Cage, composed in 1900 by Harry Von Tilzer (aka Harry Gumm, 1872-1946) (4'36").

Thomas background: He has/had an auntie (4'44"). This may, or may not be the same aunt as mentioned in The Wages of Sin and/or the Thomas & Sarah episode Made In Heaven.

Richard background: He seems to have changed constituency – he is now MP for Beckenham South (cf. The Key of the Door) (8'37").

The outdoor scenes between Thomas and Lady Marjorie in the car were shot in Chelsea at the Duke of York's Headquarters, right near to where the cast rehearsed the show (20'14").

Goof: David Langton: "I do not intend to alarm my wife to be in any way upset." (32'12")

Goof?: Dooley claims Captain Hammond had a mole on his left cheek. Did he? (39'28")

Goof?: I don't understand why Sarah twice mentions the amount of money received from Lady Marjorie was £100 (instead of £200) (42'59").

Goof: At 50'12", in the scene where Lady Marjorie and Richard exchange gifts, Lady M takes off the blue lid of her gift and sets it under the package. The shot changes and she repeats the motion – obviously the scene was cobbled together from two takes where Rachel Gurney did things at slightly different times with respect to the dialogue. (Thanks to Lois A Graham for sending this in.)