
This was the last episode recorded at LWT's studios in Wembley.

Date: The heat is mentioned several times, so presumably summer 1908.

Goof: Pauline Collins make a hash of her line about the man from the audience inviting her to dinner at Romanos (3'35").

Goof: It has just gone 10.30 p.m., but the clock in the morning room seems to say either 3.55 or 11.20 (8'34").

The two songs that James and Sarah drunkenly sing in her lodgings in Deptford are both genuine old music-hall numbers. The song about the put-upon husband is called It's A Great Big Shame (music: George le Brunn / lyrics: Edgar Bateman), made famous by Gus Elan. The second is The Man Who Broke The Bank At Monte Carlo (music and lyrics: Fred Gilbert), originally performed by Charles Coburn.

At 13'30" there is the only "breach of the fourth wall" (i.e. acknowledgement of the audience by looking directly into the camera) that occurs anywhere in Upstairs, Downstairs – Sarah looks straight at the viewers and puffs her cheeks out in exasperation at her predicament.

Goof: Gordon Jackson knocks a biscuit off the plate (15'15").

Rooms: Hudson refers to the room off to the left of the servants' dining room as his pantry (cf. On Trial) (16'55").

Sarah background: She is three to four months pregnant by James – the baby is due in the New Year (21'10"). She can now write a letter (18'20"). This episode gives her surname as Moffat/Moffatt/Mofatt (also stated in the Thomas & Sarah episode A Day At The Metropole, but cf. A Voice from the Past). This is the last time in the series (including Thomas & Sarah) that she states that Sarah is not her real name. She is now using Clémence Delice as her stage name.

James' debts add up to around £1350 (24') – that's about £119,000 in modern terms!

Rooms: The morning room now has two light switches! (26'43")

Goof: Edward: "... he said to His Ladyship ..." (27'36"). (Thanks to Arne Andersen for sending this one in.)

James background: He went to Eton public school (27'50"). He had a great-uncle Bertie (Lady Majorie's uncle) who lost all his money gambling and died of the shingles (29'16").

Sarah is feeling a bit "dicky". This from cockney rhyming slang – Uncle Dick = sick. (35'18")

Lady Marjorie background: Her family name is Talbot-Carey (47'02").

Simon Williams was appearing at the Strand Theatre in No Sex Please, We're British, so this was the final appearance of James until the last episode of this season.