
Date: It is November 1918 (the armistice, with which this episode ends, was on November 11th).

Edward background: He is now regimental sanitary corporal. He stills bears only one stripe and the statement in Facing Fearful Odds that he is acting corporal is not mentioned.

Rose background: She inherits £1200 from Gregory's estate. That is about £49,000 in modern terms.

Goof: In James' room, Georgina flicks a wall light switch and turns on a table lamp. This is not impossible electrically-speaking, but is rather strange. (5'04")

There is an odd exchange between Mrs Bridges and Ruby at 11'49". Mrs Bridges: "What are you staring at Ruby?" Ruby: "The soup, Mrs Bridges." What is the writer trying to convey by this conversation?

Alice background / William background: Alice is ten; William is six (cf. Wanted – a Good Home and Will Ye No Come Back Again).

Anthony Woodruff, who plays the Bellamy family doctor, would later turn up briefly in the Thomas & Sarah episode Made In Heaven.

Goof: Rose tells the bedridden Hazel she will pull the curtains together, but then fails to move them (27'33") (Thanks to Tony Murray for spotting this.)

Goof: Commenting on the end of the war, James says: "It's been four years and two months" (33'05). I make it four years and three months (August 1914-November 1918).

Virginia reads the story The Three Strangers from Thomas Hardy's collection The Wessex Tales, published in 1888.

James wears the 1914 Star alongside his two earlier medals.

Rooms / goof: The paper boy seems to be in the garden of 165 – the street is on the other side of the house (40'49").

Lady Marjorie background: (The old) Lady Southwold gets a mention and seems to be still alive (45'51").

With the end of the war and the death of Hazel – the second mistress of 165 – the close of Season Four well and truly marked the end of the second era of Upstairs, Downstairs.