
Date: Autumn 1912 (from the cold outdoor scenes). The dating of the next story requires this to be before winter.

Thomas background / Sarah background: They now seem to be living in Peckham in south-east London. They have been here for three months (but note that the previous episode, A Day At The Metropole, may have occurred during this period).

At 5'48" the expression "a tanner" is used – this was very common slang for a sixpence.

Goof?: In the newspaper at 24'08" the address of the winning photo seems to be given as: "Westbourne Terrace, W." This is an expensive area of London near to Paddington, and nowhere near Peckham where Thomas and Sarah are presumed to live.

Goof: There is an out-take from this episode – with Pauline Collins failing to open the bottle of drink seen at 40'49" – included in the It'll Be Alright On The Night 2 programme (LWT 28/10/79).

At the amusement arcade, the song Wot' Cher! (Knock'd 'Em In The Old Kent Road) is being played (49'30"). This was composed around 1891 by Albert Chevalier and his brother Charles Ingles.

The next tune being played at the arcade is Who Were You With Last Night, by singer/comedian Mark Sheridan (49'54"). This had been heard several times during the original Upstairs, Downstairs series.