
Date: Winter 1912? (Snow on the ground. Comments that Eli and Olwen have been married "eight years come Christmas" seem to suggest this is pre-Christmas.)

The Welsh colliers are singing Sospan Fach (which in English means Little Saucepan) – a famous south Wales folk song (2'34").

On the board showing the destinations of the train, the places shown in block capitals are genuine. The stations shown in chalk (after the change at Llanelwedd) are fictional – these include Gethyn. (5'28")

Goof: In Made In Heaven, Thomas said he lived in Beulah (a real village), not (the fictional) Gethyn.

Goof: In Married Love, Thomas said his "old mum's kitchen" was in Abergavenny. This is about 40 miles away from Gethyn/Beulah.

As Thomas and Sarah approach the chapel, the congregation are singing the hymn Cwm Rhondda, the music for which was written by organist John Hughes in the early 1900s. Various sets of lyrics exist in both Welsh and English.

Thomas background: Eli is Thomas' brother and is minister in Thomas' home village of Gethyn. Eli lives with his wife, Olwen, and Thomas' mother. It has been 10 years since they last saw Thomas (who departed after the events described in this episode). Eli and Olwen have been married "eight years come Christmas" and have no children. Thomas' father had died by the time Thomas was 10 years old. The other siblings of Thomas (see An Object of Value) are not mentioned.

Sarah background: She says she is 29 years old (11'50"). So she was born sometime in 1882 or 1883.

Goof: Sarah refers to working for "Lord Bellamy" (12'11"), but Bellamy was made a lord in the new-year's honours of 1917, several years after the period in which this episode is set. (Thanks to Pete Jones for spotting this.)

Young Lee Sparke (who plays Melchior here) later went on to play "Jonah" Jones in the children's school drama Grange Hill in 1982-3.

Goof: Thomas snuffs out the candle, but the studio lights take a second or so to follow suit (19'27").

Shirley Cain, who plays gossiping postmistress Mrs Hughes here, is better known to UpDown fans as Miss Treadwell, the strict governess of Alice, in the episode Wanted – a Good Home.

Goof: The painted backdrop visible through the open door of Jones' shop seems to have a big crease down the middle (35'02").

Goof: Since it is winter, it seems odd that a service described as being both "evening" and "tonight" is being held whilst it is still daylight (37'48").

Goof: In certain shots (e.g. 40'17" & 40'26") we can see a bookmark sandwiched inside the bible on the pulpit. In other shots (e.g. 38'39" & 43'29") the bookmark appears to be missing.