
Date: August 1909 (date given at the trial – 19'57").

This episode has a unique version of the opening music. This has more emphasis on trumpet than usual.

Goof: The right-hand door to Miss Elizabeth's bedroom is brown (with black trimmings) in this episode (2'57"). In both the previous and subsequent episodes where it is seen, it is yellow with brown trimmings (Out of the Everywhere at 25'01", and The Fruits of Love at 1'56", respectively). OK, the Bellamys could have had it painted brown and then painted back again over the six or so months between the episodes, but I rather think this is a production goof. (Thanks to Niko, who spotted this one.)

Goof: Edward manages to appear in Miss Elizabeth's bedroom a mere 15 seconds after he is rung for (he must have climbed at least three flights of stairs). He then takes a tray back down to the servants' hall, pours a glass of milk, and returns to the bedroom in just another 45 seconds! (4'16")

Goof?: Why all the insistence on darkness in the servants' hall? Wouldn't a servants' hall be expected to be lit during the evening? (6'25")

Goof: The paint can sounds empty (9'06").

The attack on the MP's house was filmed in Lincoln's Inn Fields, a large square in Holborn, London.

Goof: As we follow the crest being taken through the door, we catch a quick glimpse of a camera on the left of the frame (the camera which takes the very next shot, in fact) (17'00").

Karekin background: He was born in London but had an Armenian father. He lives in Piccadilly ("down the 'Dilly").

Goof: As the shot changes, Karekin's cup jumps from his lips back down to the saucer (28'30").

Goof: There's a strange overdub moment at 31'27" when Rose says: "I wish it was a cup of tea." Notice, especially with the word "tea", the speech seems to have been laid over afterwards. (Sent in by Tony Murray.)

Goof: Wobbly sets were part and parcel of 1970s TV. Nevertheless, the shaky walls of the prison cell seen at 34', as Bessie battles with Rose, get a special mention!

Rooms: Once more it's the door on the left of Hudson's pantry that connects with the rest of the servants' hall (43'09") (cf. An Object of Value). This seems to have been the designer's intended configuration, but was seldom used afterwards.