
Date: There is not much evidence within the episode to date it except a statement that the events of News from the Front were (about?) a year ago.

Goof: A voice from the studio can be heard cueing Angela Baddeley (1'44").

James background: The medal ribbon James is wearing is the India General Service Medal.

Goof?: James is seen to flick his cigarette ash on the morning-room floor! (7'48")

Goof: Rose says she is too busy to help Daisy in the scullery because she has to go upstairs to help Hudson serve coffee. However, when we see Hudson in the next scene, he is serving the coffee by himself (12'42"). (Thanks to Arne Andersen for sending this one in.)

Goof: Betty Romaine (as Mrs Blaine) comes in with her line: "More fool him," too early, and ends up saying it twice (17'46").

Goof: Georgina's uniform is briefly seen to be undone at the rear as she backs through the door with the trolley (18'59") (Thanks to Tony Murray.)

Viola Courtney is played by Polly Williams, who was Simon Williams' (James) sister. Sadly, she died of cancer in 2004.

Goof: At 24'32", in response to Daisy's moaning, Mrs Bridges looks at a sleeping Hudson and says to Daisy: "There he is, half ... out half the night..." (Thanks to Tony Murray for sending this one in.)