
In this episode, Jane Carr appears as Joan and takes the lines originally written for Christopher Beeny as Edward, who had been seriously injured in a motorbike crash at the time of recording.

Date: April is "only a few weeks away" (28'44") so late February or early March 1910.

Goof: The inside of the lid of the cake tin seems to have a property mark (1'14").

Sarah background: She is five to six months pregnant (10'07"). Her baby is thus due sometime late May to early July. (It is dubious, anyhow, whether the pregnancy could have got so far along without anybody else noticing.)

Goof?: Hudson remarks: "On this occasion I've no doubt her ladyship will enforce her usual rules, sir?" Her usual rules? How many pregnancies does she have amongst her servants? (10'26")

Rose background: She is visiting an aunt at Southwold (see also A Cry for Help, For Love of Love and Married Love) (15'23").

Goof: Look closely at the advert that Thomas nails to his wall (16'04"). For a start it seems to be (part of) an advert for a school domestic bursar (not a garage). Secondly, it contains a postcode in a format not introduced anywhere (aside from an experiment in Norwich) until 1967. Thirdly, it contains an "all figure" 01 London telephone number – trunk dialling did not start anywhere in the UK until 1958. (Thanks to Keith Edwards for fleshing out this goof.)

Thomas background: His religion is Methodist/Presbyterian ("Chapel") (21'58"). He has/had an aunt in Pontypool (this may be made up) (51'21") – this may, or may not be the same aunt as mentioned in The Property of a Lady and/or the Thomas & Sarah episode Made In Heaven.

Goof?: Richard (and then Sarah) enters and leaves by the garage's main double doors, which would open on to the mews (see the start of The Property of a Lady). Isn't this rather the long way round for going to and from the house? (38'40" & 40'35")

Goof: Richard looks at the advert that Thomas has on his wall and remarks: "Curious decoration..." Why? All Thomas has done is draw a box around the text that interests him. (41'06")

Goof?: When singing the What Are We Going To Do With Uncle Arthur song, Thomas adjusts the words to: "Watch your step, boys, especially after dark." What is his point? Is Uncle Arthur bisexual? (47'08")

Goof: There is about a one-inch gap between the floor and the bottom of the stairs (reason: the stairs were on wheels so they could be moved around easily) (50'27").

Goof: David Langton and Rachel Gurney have to hold their pose for (what seems like) an eternity before the end credits fade in (51'40").