
Date: Not given on screen, but it is May 1928 (from dialogue at 37'05" where Mckay says the river has an early spate of salmon at this time).

Goof: The hall set was not needed for this story so was not erected. Instead we get a very bad backdrop visible through the open morning-room door (0'26" & 50'43").

Alice background: She is now coming out (i.e. being introduced to society at her first big ball). Her age, calculated against that given in Peace out of Pain, makes her now 19½, which is late for coming out. Her age may have slipped a year or so, though, as William's did in Wanted – a Good Home.

Goof?: The beginning of the episode establishes that the servants will be travelling to Scotland on the Flying Scotsman (a famous London-to-Scotland train service) and yet the upstairs members of 165 will be driven by car there by Edward. This sounds completely topsy-turvy to me. The train option, with its on-board toilets and restaurant, would be the more luxurious option by far (especially as the Bellamys would undoubtedly be travelling first class). A car journey of that length in the days before motorways and a likely maximum speed of, what, 50mph, would be really slumming it.

The place where the party is staying is called Carnochie. This name is fictional. However, we learn that the Isle of Skye can be seen from it (16'10") and it is (about) 70 miles from Inverness (1'35"). It is also a stopping point for the boat from Oban to Stornaway (9'59"). This means it is on the west coast of Scotland, probably somewhere between the Peterburn and Toscaig areas. The location filming was actually done in Applecross (see below) which fits in with this. Ironically, the inhabitants of Applecross could not receive ITV at the time and thus were unable to see "their" episode.

Mrs Bridges background: The Tay Bridge disaster (1879) happened when she was "a girl". This means she was most likely born sometime between 1861 and 1878. The comments in The Glorious Dead would indicate her birth was closer to the earlier end of this range.

The filming for this story was carried out in the Applecross area, Wester Ross, Scotland. Of the regulars, only Gordon Jackson attended this, hence the naff video inserts of the others during the drive to the lodge. The house exterior used would appear to be (the rear of) Applecross House. This location was, by far, the furthest LWT got from the base in London during the production of UpDown.

Goof: Ruby's screaming at the sight of a dead grouse seems a bit OTT – she would have seen dead game many times at 165 (8'20").

Goof: The legend about the Laird of Carnochie says that he was pushed on a handcart to the lodge all the way from Culloden. That is about 70 miles, over very rough terrain! (12'46")

Goof: When Georgina leaves to go out, she picks up a pair of boots and a scarf (20'03"). When she returns, she also has a hat (21'51").

Mr Hudson background / goof?: His father was head gillie to "Lord Invermore of Argyllshire" for 30 years (36'53"). On With the Dance says "Lord Invergordon of Argyllshire" instead (but he may have changed jobs).

Mr Hudson background: Hudson says he has served the family for 40(ish) years (38'49"). Presuming this means somewhere between 35 and 45 years, he began to work for them somewhere between 1883 (cf. Magic Casements) and 1893. This would seem to only include his working for the "Bellamy" family in London (i.e. once Lady Marjorie had married), not his earlier work on the Southwold estate. Coupled with the information from Magic Casements, it would seem Lady Marjorie and Richard were married (and moved to London) sometime in the years 1881-1883 (the episodes do not agree exactly).

Recorded on 8th August 1975, this was the last Upstairs, Downstairs episode ever made (though not the last when shown on TV).