
Date: This is one of the most difficult episodes to date given the apparently contradictory evidence within:

  1. Miss Roberts mentions having had "the worst summer since 1894" (24'42"). This remark doesn't really help date this episode, except to tell us that it isn't summer at the moment.
  2. Mrs Bridges mentions "winter coming on" (30'11"), but she seems to be talking metaphorically about her life, not the actual season.
  3. On the pad in Hudson's pantry, we see he has booked into Spinelli's on Friday 28th (35'57"). The only Friday that fell on the 28th in 1909 was in May. This is probably just be an mistake – it would have been difficult to work out what day of the week a certain past date fell upon when this episode was made in 1972.
  4. Mrs Bridges mentions that Hudson's mother died "a year ago come Easter" (14'21"). This would be an odd remark to make unless we were somewhere in the couple of months before Easter.

The episodes either side of this one require a dating between March and June, and point 4, above, requires a pre-Easter date, so this episode is probably late March (or possibly the first week in April) 1909.

Kim Hardy (who plays young Alice Hudson) had been seen previously in the BBC's version of Anne Of Green Gables in 1972, and would also appear in its sequel, Anne Of Avonlea, in 1975. In 1976 she appeared in a BBC Play Of The Month called Chester Mystery Cycle as Eve (opposite James London's Burning Hazeldine as Adam). The production attracted some newspaper attention as both Hardy and Hazeldine were nude for their entire appearance!

Rooms: We see Hudson's pantry (or one of the two pantries) again. It is somewhere through the door which leads off to the left of the servants' dining room, and seems to be adjacent to the backstairs. Also through this door somewhere is the wine cellar (34'28").

Goof: In the morning room, the handle to ring the bell comes away in Richard's hand. We see that is has just been stuck to the wall and there are no wires or holes or anything behind it. (5'18")

Goof: The camera hits something in the hall and wobbles (5'29").

Goof: At 9'39, as Ruby chops the second batch of parsley, a really huge microphone shadow falls across her back – you can see the mounting gimbal in all its glory! (Thanks to Andrew Welsh, who spotted this one.)

John Nettleton was only 43 years old when this episode was made, so was aged up to play Richard's elder brother (David Langton was 60 although professionally he used to "trim" ten years from his age).

Goof: At 15', whilst dining with his brother, Richard briefly leaves the morning room. He returns without shutting the door, but two shots later, the door is magically closed. (Thanks again to Andrew Welsh.)

Goof: You can see a camera reflected in the door between the kitchen and the servants' dining room (19'03").

Goof: At 29'51" Hudson explains to Mrs Bridges that: "I've never bet on a horse in my life." His philosophy seems to change later, because he is seen betting on the St Leger in Word of Honour. Later still, he is once more denouncing gambling in All the King's Horses. (Thanks to Neil Gray for sending this one in.)

Goof: At 34', the lights blow and Richard tells Edward to get some candles. Edward returns with two candles duly lit in just seven seconds. Bearing in mind it is pitch dark and he has to find the candles, light them and return, I think this is impossible. In fact, this mistake reveals a television shortcut: you can see the two ready-and-waiting pre-lit candle props reflected in the glass of the door at exactly 34'09 (when David Langton says, "a small step.") (Thanks to Tony Murray.)

Richard background: His brother is Arthur, a medical man, who is married to Anthea. They still live in the family home in Norfolk where Richard was born. As children, Arthur bullied Richard (43'04").

Goof: Arthur flounces off to wait for his train from Liverpool Street back to Norfolk (43'49"). However, what about his belongings, which are at Eaton Place? (OK, Richard could send them immediately onto the station or direct to Norwich, or perhaps Arthur just doesn't care!) (Thanks to Tony Murray for this observation.)

Mr Hudson background / goof: He has a brother called Donald, who is a famous bridge builder. Hudson's sister-in-law is called Maudie and his niece is Alice (cf. Whom God hath Joined... which states that Hudson hasn't any nephews or nieces). Hudson's mother died "a year ago come Easter" (14'21").

Miss Roberts background: Her father once caught her walking out with a boy and responded by sending her into service (25'37").

Goofs: The two clocks in the morning room seem to always be displaying different times to those implied by the storyline.