Upstairs, Downstairs
Out of costume
After UpDown 1

Six months after her last appearance in Upstairs, Downstairs, Rachael Gurney appeared in part four of the BBC's Fall Of Eagles, entitled Requiem For A Crown Prince. The episode featured Rachel playing the highly strung Empress Elisabeth, wife to Emperor Franz Josef of Austro-Hungary. The play depicted the bizarre, but true attempts that were made to cover up the death of her son Rudolf, the heir to the throne, after he had committed suicide in a pact with a lover. Gurney's subsequent TV appearances were few and far between. Click for a larger version.

Rachel Gurney in the BBC film Mr And Mrs Edgehill in December 1985. The play, based on the short story by Noël Coward, is about one of those couples who used to do their bit for King and Country and the British Empire by sweating it out in alien and backwards corners of the globe. Mr and Mrs Edgehill were played by Ian Holm and Judi Dench, with Gurney in a supporting role as Lady Cynthia Marchmont.

Appearances of Rachel Gurney were rare after Upstairs, Downstairs but here she is in the 1986 stage play Breaking The Code by Hugh Whitemore. The play concerned the exploits of WWII code breaker Alan Turing, played by Derek Jacobi. It also starred Jenny Agutter (pictured) and Michael Gough.

A 1974 shot of husband and wife John Alderton and Pauline Collins with their son Nicholas. By this point the pair had moved on from Upstairs, Downstairs and were starring in a sitcom for LWT called No, Honestly, created by Terence Brady and Charlotte Bingham, who had also written for Upstairs, Downstairs. Alderton played CD, a struggling actor, and Collins was his air-headed wife, Clara. Each show started and ended with the pair addressing the studio audience (a trick pinched from the old George Burns and Gracie Allen shows). A second season clashed with other work, so the leads were recast (with Donal Donnelly and Liza Goddard) and the show continued as Yes, Honestly for two more seasons.

Husband and wife John Alderton and Pauline Collins were reunited on screen in 2002 in the cinema film Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War. Collins plays a woman sent to an old-people's home who tries to start a revolution amongst the inmates over the penny-pinching ways of the owner (played by Alderton).
Sadly, in recent years, the pair – for whatever reasons – have been reluctant to discuss UpDown on-screen, in the way of interviews etc. A great shame.

Jenny Tomasin didn't do much TV after Upstairs, Downstairs, but here she is in the 1985 Doctor Who story Revelation Of The Daleks. She played a character called Tasambeker, a worker in a futuristic funeral parlour who ran foul of Davros and the dreaded Daleks. Clive "Keeping Up Appearances" Swift also starred. Click the image for a larger version.

Simon Williams as Group Captain Gilmore in the 1988 Doctor Who story Remembrance Of The Daleks.

Jean Marsh as Morgaine in the 1989 Doctor Who story Battlefield. She is accompanied in the Doctor's car, Bessie, by Sylvester McCoy (the Doctor), Nicholas Courtney (the Brigadier) and Sophie Aldred (Ace). This was Jean's third and last role in Doctor Who.
When the Brigadier was first cast in 1967 (then a Lieutenant Colonel), the part was offered to David Langton. He turned it down.

Pauline Collins playing Queen Victoria in a 2006 episode of the revamped Doctor Who called Tooth And Claw. Also shown, Billie Piper as Rose (middle photo).

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